مورخہ 7 ستمبر کو پروفیسر محمد تسلیم عالم صاحب موجودہ ڈی ڈی صاحب کو ویلکم اور سابق ڈی ڈی سی ملک واجد صاحب کے اعزاز میں الوداعیہ تقریب ھوئی....
Punjab Board of Technical Education Announced the 2nd Annual Examination Schedule 2022 Commerce Student Contact Accounts Office of Govt. Sadiq Graduate College of Commerce, Bahawalpur Before 30th September 2022...
Respected Director Colleges Bahawalpur Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim and Ex-Principal Mr. Javed Hayat Planting Trees at Govt. Sadiq Graduate College of Commerce during the Tree Plantation Campaign 2022. situs gacor...
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HED has announced summer vacation in all public and private sector colleges from 1st June, 2022 till 31st July, 2022. However, BS Four years degree program shall continue to...
Inauguration Ceremony of BS-IT (Information Technology) Department in Govt. Sadiq Graduate College of Commerce Bahawalpur by Chief Guest Chairman I.T department Islamia University Bahawalpur Mr. Prof. Dr. Dost Muhammad...
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پورے پنجاب سمیت بہاولپور میں بھی پنجاب کلچرل ڈے منایا گیا گورنمنٹ گریجویٹ کالج آف کامرس نے بھی بھرپور شرکت کی. See Full Story Click here……….. situs gacor rtp...
WWF-Pakistan’s ‘Rung Do Pakistan’ initiative is one of the biggest tree plantation campaigns being run across the country, aimed at planting trees to support and increase Pakistan’s forest cover....
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